الافلام المصرية التي ستعرض في العيد

استقر الرأي لدي معظم شركات الإنتاج والتوزيع السينمائي في مصر علي استئناف الحرب من جديد خلال موسم العيد لتعويض خسائر الموسم الصيفي والذي تميز بالقصر الشديد حيث لم يتجاوز الشهرين وقد قررت تلك الشركات استمرار عرض أفلام الكبار بسبب استمرار الإقبال عليها كذلك الدفع ببعض الأفلام التي لم تجد لها مكانا داخل دور العرض السينمائي خلال الموسم الصيفي.

وقرر البعض عدم الدفع بالأفلام الجماهيرية وتأجيل عرضها إلي عيد الأضحى المبارك وموسم أجازة نصف العام لذا فمن المتوقع أن تكون خريطة أفلام العيد علي النحو التالي :

فيلم بوشكاش لمحمد سعد وكبارية وكابتن هيما لتامر حسني والريس عمر حرب.

وفيلم‏'‏ أسف علي الإزعاج‏'‏ بطولة أحمد حلمي مفاجأة الموسم‏,‏ وقد حقق حتي الآن ما يقرب من العشرين مليون جنيه فيلم‏'‏ حسن ومرقص‏'‏ بطولة عادل إمام وعمر الشريف وفيلم ‏'‏ مسجون ترانزيت‏'‏ بطولة نور الشريف وأحمد عز.

فيلم‏'‏ أخر كلام‏'‏ التي تلعب بطولته الفنانة اللبنانية مادلين مطر وحسن حسني والطفلة منة عرفة تأليف محمد حفظي ومن إخراج أكرم فريد وإنتاج أحمد السبكي‏.‏

وفيلم "الحكاية فيها منة" بطولة بشري وإيساف‏,‏ وإخراج ألفت عثمان.

وفيلم الزمهلوية الذي يلعب بطولته أحمد عزمي وصلاح عبد الله وهالة فاخر وعزت أبو عوف وانتصار وبشري تأليف عصام حلمي ومن إخراج أشرف فايق ‏.‏

فيلم رامي ألاعتصامي بطولة أحمد عيد وآيتن عامر وهيثم سعيد وإيهاب فهمي تأليف لؤي السيد وإخراج سامي رافع‏.‏

فيلم‏'‏ أدرنالين‏'‏ الذي يلعب بطولته خالد الصاوي وغادة عبد الرازق وسامح الصريطي وإياد نصار تأليف محمد عبد الخالق وإخراج محمود كامل ‏.‏

فيلم‏'‏ شبه المنحرف‏'‏ بطولة رامز جلال وحسن حسني وزينة ونشوي مصطفي تأليف سامح سر الختم وإخراج خالد محمود‏.‏

فيلم قبلات مسروقة بطولة أحمد عزمي ويسرا اللوزي وبسمة تأليف أحمد صالح وإخراج خالد الحجر.‏

فيلم زي النهاردة بطولة بسمة وأحمد الفيشاوي وآسر ياسين وأروي جودة‏,‏ تأليف وإخراج عمرو سلامة ‏.‏

فيلم خلطة فوزية بطولة إلهام شاهين عزت أبو عوف وفتحي عبد الوهاب وغادة عبدالرازق‏,‏ إخراج مجدي أحمد ‏

فيلم بلطية العايمة بطولة عبلة كامل وإدوارد ومي كساب‏,‏ تأليف بلال فضل وإخراج علي رجب .

فيلم ميكانو بطولة النجم السوري تيم الحسن ونور ورشا مهدي‏,‏ تأليف وائل حمدي وإخراج محمود كامل توزيع الشركة العربية‏.

شاهد ايضا معنا

عيد الام وعيدالميلاد حرام في السعودية

مخاطر العادة السرية

شرح كامل لمكونات الكمبيوتر الهاردوير

مصرية تغتصب طفلة سعودية من الخلف

كارول سماحـة تقـلد جورج وسوف

اسعار حديد التسليح تتراجع الى حدود 5000جنيه للطن

اقدمت معظم الشركات المنتجة للحديد في مصر على تخفيض أسعار حديد التسليح بمقدار 800 جنيه ليصل سعرها بعد التخفيض إلى 5300 جنيه بالنسبة للشركات الاستثمارية مثل حديد بورسعيد والعتال والبوريني وغيرها.
وكانت شركة حديد عز قد أعلنت عن تخفيض أسعار حديد التسليح ليصل السعر إلى 5150 جنيها للطن وسوف تعلن أسعار بيع المستهلك بعد أجازة عيد الفطر مباشرة-
وذكرت الشركات المنتجة أن هذا الانخفاض الكبير فى الاسعار يأتى تماشيا مع اتجاه الاسعار العالمية والانخفاض الذى طرأ على سعر بيع خام البيليت الذى يدخل فى إنتاج حديد التسليح.

ويرى الخبراء أن تقليل الفجوة بين أسعار حديد عز وباقى الشركات سيساهم فى عودة الاستقرار إلى السوق خاصة بعد اختفاء السوق السوداء لحديد التسليح على أثر القرارات التى أعلنتها وزارة التجارة والصناعة والتى تلزم الشركات والمصانع بإعلان أسعار البيع للمستهلك للتجار والوكلاء أول كل شهر حتى يتم التعامل بها مع ضرورة التعامل بسجلات تحدد الكميات الواردة والمباعة لدى التجار وأسعار التعامل.

وتقوم الشركات والمصانع بالبيع للتجار والوكلاء وإلزامهم بالبيع بالاسعار الجديدة المعلنة للمستهلك وذلك تنفيذا للقرارات التى أعلنها المهندس رشيد محمد رشيد وزير التجارة والصناعة.

جدير بالذكر أن "حديد عز" تعلن أسعارها أولا مع بداية كل شهر ثم تليها الشركات الاستثمارية ويستمر الالتزام بها خلال الشهر ، مما يدعم استقرار السوق ويساعد كبار المستهلكين من شركات المقاولات على تخطيط مشترواتها بأسعار محددة دون التعرض لتقلبات سعرية ويغطى حديد عز أكثر من 60% من احتياجات السوق المحلى بينما تغطى الشركات الاستثمارية النسبة الباقية.

شاهد ايضا معنا

عيد الام وعيدالميلاد حرام في السعودية

مخاطر العادة السرية

شرح كامل لمكونات الكمبيوتر الهاردوير

مصرية تغتصب طفلة سعودية من الخلف

كارول سماحـة تقـلد جورج وسوف

Hillary Responds to "Pimp"-gate

In Orono, Maine, this morning, following a rally at the University of Maine, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., made her first public remarks about MSNBC's David Shuster having referred to her campaign having "pimped out Chelsea," Clinton's daughter.

"I am a mom first and a candidate second," Clinton told reporters, per ABC News' Eloise Harper. "I found the remarks incredibly offensive. I can take whatever comes my way, that’s part of what I signed up for as a candidate as an office holder, but I think that there’s been a troubling pattern of comments and behavior that has to be held accountable. So I have sent a letter to the head of NBC expressing the deep offense that I took and pointing out what has been a troubling pattern of demeaning treatment, and I would expect appropriate action to be taken."

Shuster has been temporarily suspended for his comments, and he has apologized. He has said he was trying to make a larger point about how Chelsea, 27, has been enlisted to work for the campaign though she refuses to talk on the record to the media.

But Clinton suggests a "pattern" by MSNBC hosts, because she has also been offended by comments made by MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who -- among other comments -- has implied Clinton only has her senate job because of her husband's infidelity with Monica Lewinsky. Under pressure, Matthews apologized on air for that comment.

The campaign has threatened to boycott pending debates on NBC and Clinton would not say today if she would participate in the NBC sponsored debates.

"We have accepted a lot of debates from a lot of different sponsors and were going to wait and see how this plays out," Clinton said.

-- Jake Tapper and Eloise Harper

February 9, 2008 in Clinton, Hillary | Permalink | User

Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

The most popular and well ‘loved’ holiday is coming up, in just a little more than two weeks to spare its going to be valentine’s day. The day when people in love dedicate the day to each other. Holding hands, exchanging gifts, smiling, kissing and hugging are things you will see people do on Valentine’s Day. You don’t want to do the same thing on Valentine’s Day do you? The same exchanging gifts, going to dinner and then snuggling up together after…but this year you want to do something different.

Here are some interesting and romantic ideas for Valentine’s Day…

Get up in style
Very rarely do a married couple with kids get the chance to get up in style, which means they are always rushing to get breakfast sorted, kids ready for school, lunch packed, and getting ready for work. In the midst of this chaos very rarely do they have a chance to enjoy a day is bed, relaxing and getting up in style. Why not make this Valentine’s Day special, decorate the bedroom with candles, cook up a brilliant breakfast gourmet style and served in bed.

No more store bought candy
Why settle for the same old store bought candy, why not make the candy yourself? Not only is this much more romantic, but its so much fun and your love interest will appreciate the fact that you made the chocolates yourself. And you can be as creative as you want. You can make a giant heart shaped chocolate, a large chocolate kiss or chocolate truffles. You can even try your hand at baking a cake and writing your love filled message on it with icing.

Massage, Massage and Massage
Spend your Valentine’s Day at home with the one you love and do things that you enjoy doing. Why not indulge in a spa experience at home? Take a warm relaxing bath together, in a tub filled with roses and lots of bubble, all the while talking to each other and sipping on champagne and eating chocolate covered strawberries. End the glorious bath with a relaxing massage, choose an oil that you like and massage the kinks out of your lover’s body and vice versa.

Fill up your screen with romance.
Instead of going out on Valentine’s Day, why not spend the day at home watching all your favorite romantic movies. Just make some popcorn (if possible heart shaped candy popcorn) and some cocktails. Movies like Casablanca, 50 first dates, Pretty Woman and Roman holiday are some great picks.

Indulge in aphrodisiacs
So we all know that chocolates and oysters are aphrodisiacs, but what about asparagus, figs or even honey. These foods could put you in a great mood that could help you enjoy this love holiday even better.

Romantic messaging all day
If the two of you’ll are working on Valentine’s Day, and cant get out of work, you can still keep the romance alive by sending each other text messages filled with love quotes or expressing your love to each other. You can even write a love sonnet or a limerick for your darlin

Best Man Speeches

What are the duties of a best man other than the speech?

Best man has a very important role to play in the wedding. They are not only there to give a speech, thank the concerned people and get out of it. Most of the times best men are those people who are very close to the groom like their best friends or brothers. It is said that the best man should be a bachelor. The best man is expected to do many things like keeping the rings till the times comes for the bride and groom to exchange rings. He is also supposed to make sure that the groom does not see the bride coming and to draw attention of the guest sand relatives when the couple enters the dining hall where all of them are supposed to have the wedding meal. Out of all these the major role that he has to play is to give a speech, which makes people jittery about taking up this role because one has to address la the guest who come to the wedding. But I am sure after reading this article this is going to be far easier since I would provide you some easy tips for a wedding speech.

Tips and ideas for a good wedding speech
It is important to know the subjects that you have to speak on so that you can plan it properly. Talk to the groom and ask him if there is anybody special whom he wants to thank and incorporate such things into the speech. So you must first decide what you want to say and how you want to say it- funny, conservative or even nervous.
Since the wedding is the focal point you can mention how long the couple have known each other and being the groom’s friend do mention the good things that have happened in the groom’s life after meeting the bride. You can make the speech funny by mentioning how he has forgotten his friends or the like.
You can mention the negative and positive points of the groom and the reasons that you feel he would become a good husband.
Thank the groom and bride’s parents and share some experiences that you had with them, it can be either funny or sentimental.
Thank the guests for coming and sharing the happiness of the bride and the groom.
Do not speak like a parrot that has mugged it up and try to give some personal touches to it.
At the end request everybody to bless the couple and raise a toast.
This should be the flow of the Best man speech. Try to relax and don’t be nervous. Do not try to learn the speech by heart, just take down the pointers on a note card so that there is no break in the flow of the article. Pay equal attention to the bride and the groom since both of them choose you for the role of the Best Man. And the bottom line is having oodles of fun!!

10 Ways to Survive a Break Up

Break ups are never easy. You are a bundle of jealous, hurt, angry, resentful emotions. Your mood can swing from depression to bitter anger. The only thing you seem to think about is what went wrong, can I get him/her back or I’ll show him/her. The main theme in your life is ‘How can I feel better right NOW?’ Here are some suggestions that I hope will help.

Friends and Family. I know this may seem obvious but lean on your friends and family. Spend time doing things together, not just talking and thinking about the break up. If this isn’t enough, you may consider a support group or counseling.

Resist the urge to beg. You want them back but not at any price. At the time it may seem the right thing to do but think about it. In the long run they will lose respect for you. This doesn’t mean don’t try to work things out. If there is a chance you can work things out, go for it. However, if your partner has made it clear that in their eyes, the relationship is over, begging will not help and may hurt the situation.

Make a change in your life. Find a new way to spend your time. Take a class, join a gym, adopt a pet, or volunteer. Do anything that will make you feel good about yourself. Your ego is probably feeling bruised right now. Find a way to counteract that.

Understand your mistakes but also realize that you are not a failure. Don’t beat yourself up. If you made mistakes, then yes, learn from them but dwelling on what might have been won’t help. It takes two to make a relationship, it also takes two to end one. You weren’t the only one who made mistakes. It may not seem useful to you now, but a lot of times the things you learned from this experience will make your next relationship stronger, as long as you make the necessary changes.

Start Dating. You won’t feel like it at first, but don’t stay away from other people for an extended period of time. Going out with other people can help the healing process and boast your ego.

Don’t fall prey to others. There will be people trying to sell you this or that, guaranteed to win back your partner. Don’t let people take advantage of you while you are vulnerable. If you do buy something, understand that while there is a chance it could help, there is also a chance that it won’t.

Take up a hobby. Learn something new. There is probably something you’ve always wanted to try but never had the time. You have the time, do it.

Don’t rush into another relationship. While starting to date can help you feel better, it’s not a good idea to rush right into another relationship. Take time to heal before making any commitments or someone will probably end up getting hurt.

Avoid dwelling on it. I know it’s impossible not to think about it, but, if you find yourself doing so for an extended period of time, find a way to take your mind off of it. Call a friend; go to the gym, whatever comes to mind. If nothing seems to work, try this: Make a list of reasons why you are better off now. This could include I have time to do the things I want to do. I can date anyone I want to. I can find a partner who will appreciate me the way I am and stop wasting time on a doomed relationship. Think about the things they did that drove you crazy, because there are some. Don’t look back with rose colored glasses and only remember the good things. Don’t have the idea in your head that if only we were back together I would be happy. Wrong. Wouldn’t they have a lot to answer for if you did get back together? Leaving you was probably the biggest mistake they will ever make. Let them dwell on it, you move on!

Build your ego. I’ve touched on this already but it is very important. Find ways to feel better about yourself. This could be anything from getting a haircut to buying some new clothes. You could take a class on self improvement. If nothing else, you should do this: Make a list of things that make you a great person. Don’t sit there and tell me you can’t think of anything. I don’t buy it. Try again. Are you kind? Patient? Intelligent? Cook like a pro? Can fix anything? There are things that make you great. WRITE them down and whenever you feel low, read your list and add to it. You are you and you are great so don’t let anyone ever make you feel that you aren’t.

Bill Gates – A story of Success

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.

Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. Still he was getting very bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bill’s parents came to know their son's intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important decision in Bill Gate's life where he was first introduced to a computer. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the group’s program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.

Bill Gates and his close friend Allen started new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Gates left the college. In 1973, he left home for Harvard University. He didn’t know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvard's toughest mathematics courses. He did well over there, but he couldn’t find it interesting too. He spent many long nights in front of the school's computer and the next day asleep in class. After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Gates and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day. At the end of Bill's first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.

Within a year, Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsoft's vision is "A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer". Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bill’s Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.
Bill Gates is not a greedy person. In fact, he is quite giving person when it comes to computers, internet and any kind of funding. Some years back, he visited Chicago's Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicago's schools and museums where he donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray.

Why we support Obama

There comes a time to abandon hard-line "big vision" ideologies and consider the practical ramifications of the moment. When it comes to selecting a president, this happens once every four years or so.

An old adage advises that we pick our battles. In our more idealistic moments we recognize other candidates who we would rather see as president of this nation, but for practical reasons we have decided to support the campaign of Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

On all fronts, Sen. Obama bests rival Sen. Clinton. He is more liberal, more straightforward, and far more electable.

But it is always important to be weary of the claims and self-characterizations of any candidate. Obama's "Change" message may very well be little more than a talking point or an empty phrase.

Certainly he has been no maverick in the Senate - developing a centerleft voting record which did not push for any truly radically new direction in Washington -- but it is hard to deny that he nevertheless stands a greater chance at living up to the ideology of change than any other man or woman who may be, at this time, considered a contender in this race.

There is something to his message. It resonates differently and in a more positive light than competing voices in politics and outside of the realm, but also in a way that is daring and refreshing. His whole candidacy captures something that Clinton's fails to. It has a soul.

When other candidates talk about hopefulness and optimism, it rings with less sincerity than do the words
of Obama. There is a "Please, God, we need this" sentiment expressed by his supporters that does not come through for Clinton or any other candidate.

Is it hope? Yes. Is it fluff? No. And it seems reasonable to think of Obama's relative inexperience as a politician as an asset. Less-tainted by the workings of Washington; he will be more likely to succeed in bringing much-needed promise and change. Unlike Clinton whose words ring insincere and calculated, and who is largely disliked, perhaps the result of her touted experience in Washington, Obama comes off as warmer and more positive.

He's likeable, but more importantly he's electable.

Come to think about it, that is pretty refreshing too.

And even if his presidency does not live up to his own grand claims for a new direction, the symbolism of it must not be ignored. At very least, his election would be a sign to Americans and to the world that we want change. Whether or not he lives up to his message is up to him.

We hope he will.

Voters are told pen had 'invisible ink'

When it comes to election shenanigans, Chicago has been accused of just about everything.

But invisible ink?

Twenty voters at a Far North Side precinct who found their ink pens not working were told by election judges not to worry.

It's invisible ink, officials said. The scanner will count it.

But their votes weren't recorded after all.

"Part of me was thinking it does sound stupid enough to be true,'' said Amy Carlton, who had serious doubts but went ahead and voted anyway.

As it turns out, Carlton was one of 20 voters at the precinct who were given the wrong pen to use. They were also then told, apparently by a misinformed judge, that the pens have invisible ink, elections officials said.

As a result, the votes were not counted. But officials insisted there were no dirty tricks involved.

"This one defies logic,'' said Jim Allen, a spokesman for the Chicago Board of Elections. "You try to anticipate everything. But certain things just ... they go beyond any kind of planning you can perform.''

By late afternoon, five voters had been contacted and told to come back to the polling place to vote again. And elections staff had left messages at the homes of the rest, Allen said.

Carlton and Angela Burkhardt, another voter who was told the same invisible ink story, spent a good part of the day calling and e-mailing the Board of Elections to get answers.

"I am furious and devastated and I just feel stupid,'' Carlton said. "I feel so angry.''

Both women agreed that this election meant a lot. They had spent a good deal of time researching candidates.

"I have been voting since I was 18,'' said Carlton, 38. "This is the most important election of my life so far.''

Burkhardt planned to go back to vote late Tuesday. She worried about those who might not be able to return.

"I worry about the other people who were there,'' she said. "Maybe [they] can't get off work. I am a person of privilege. I can go back. What if you couldn't?"


The Dark Knight Trailer. IN LEGO!!!

Trailer for the new Batman movie...but in lego

Flash on the head "BOING" O.M.G :D

Flash on the head "BOING" O.M.G :D


Fox News Channel does it again. Their antics remain unfair and biased.

The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (2of2)

part 2

he Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See!

1 of 2

VIDEO - Casio’s Exilim camera blasts out 1200 frames per second

Las Vegas (NV) – Casio’s upcoming digital camera makes up for its “meager” six megapixel quality with an amazing 1200 frames per second shooting speed. The Casio EXILIM EX-F1 has a 12X optical zoom and can shoot full resolution pictures at 60 frames per second and 1200 fps movies at 336 by 96 pixels. It can also record high-resolution video at both 1920 by 1080 60/I and 1280 by 720p.

Casio rep Robert Nelson gave us an in-depth demonstration of the camera and all of its shooting modes. In addition to the high-speed picture and movies, the camera also has a Rapid Flash mode which uses a regular strobe flash at 7 fps and an LED flash at 10 to 60 frames per second.

Black Love: Michelle & Barack Obama

Regardless as to who you vote for this year - you’ve got to give Obama props for not only showing the world how strong and intelligent Black men are, but for images like these. A strong Black couple- supporting each other to the fullest!

For too many years we have been considered somewhat of a caricature to those watching from the outside. We’ve appeared materialistic, overly accessorized (bling), overly self medicated, overly sexed, violent and under-educated.

Thank you Obama and Michelle for putting your world on blast and letting folks know that there are many layers to Black folks. They now see that we all can’t be grouped in the small box the world has placed us in.