There comes a time to abandon hard-line "big vision" ideologies and consider the practical ramifications of the moment. When it comes to selecting a president, this happens once every four years or so.
An old adage advises that we pick our battles. In our more idealistic moments we recognize other candidates who we would rather see as president of this nation, but for practical reasons we have decided to support the campaign of Illinois Senator Barack Obama.
On all fronts, Sen. Obama bests rival Sen. Clinton. He is more liberal, more straightforward, and far more electable.
But it is always important to be weary of the claims and self-characterizations of any candidate. Obama's "Change" message may very well be little more than a talking point or an empty phrase.
Certainly he has been no maverick in the Senate - developing a centerleft voting record which did not push for any truly radically new direction in Washington -- but it is hard to deny that he nevertheless stands a greater chance at living up to the ideology of change than any other man or woman who may be, at this time, considered a contender in this race.
There is something to his message. It resonates differently and in a more positive light than competing voices in politics and outside of the realm, but also in a way that is daring and refreshing. His whole candidacy captures something that Clinton's fails to. It has a soul.
When other candidates talk about hopefulness and optimism, it rings with less sincerity than do the words
of Obama. There is a "Please, God, we need this" sentiment expressed by his supporters that does not come through for Clinton or any other candidate.
Is it hope? Yes. Is it fluff? No. And it seems reasonable to think of Obama's relative inexperience as a politician as an asset. Less-tainted by the workings of Washington; he will be more likely to succeed in bringing much-needed promise and change. Unlike Clinton whose words ring insincere and calculated, and who is largely disliked, perhaps the result of her touted experience in Washington, Obama comes off as warmer and more positive.
He's likeable, but more importantly he's electable.
Come to think about it, that is pretty refreshing too.
And even if his presidency does not live up to his own grand claims for a new direction, the symbolism of it must not be ignored. At very least, his election would be a sign to Americans and to the world that we want change. Whether or not he lives up to his message is up to him.
We hope he will.
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