Weight Loss through Hypnosis

Weight loss through hypnosis - it sounds so appealing doesn’t it –
the whole idea of listening to a few words through your MP3
player and then watching the pounds simply drop off? But can you
really lose weight through hypnosis? The short answer is that you
will lose weight by making better choices when it comes to eating
and exercising – you already knew that right?
However, when it really comes down to it, why do we eat that fast
food that causes our waist-lines to bulge in the first place; why do
we overindulge when our bodies our telling us that enough is
enough; and why do habitually we sit at home rather than getting
our running-shoes on and going for that benefit-laden jog? The
answer is that we do those things that are ‘bad’ for our bodies –
unconsciously - out of sheer habit!
So what is the answer – can we change our habits and change our
bodies in the process? Well, that’s where hypnosis might indeed
come in handy because hypnosis is one very effective way of
dealing with our sub-conscious. If we can change our unconscious
thinking patterns, we can change the drivers that cause us to
overeat and under-exercise.
There is much misunderstanding surrounding the whole subject of
hypnosis but the process is simple and can be very effective. Once
the subconscious has truly accepted that you are a person who is fit
and healthy - and, naturally, THIN, the wonderful thing is that you
can actually begin to become that fit, healthy, thin person.
Hypnosis does not involve going into a ‘deep sleep’; it does not
involve swinging pocket-watches; it does not consist of looking
deep into someone’s eyes. It simply consists of accessing a natural
brain state in which the subconscious mind is particularly receptive
to positive suggestions.
Once accepted by the subconscious, those suggestions will cause
you to change your eating and exercise patterns which will, in turn,
cause you to lose excess weight and regain your shape. All of this
can happen because your habitual thinking patterns can be changed
for the better using a basic hypnosis technique known as autosuggestion.
Many people have been very successful using this
method for weight-loss.
Of course, it’s not just weight-loss that can be achieved through
hypnosis. Today, hypnosis is widely recognized for its
effectiveness in treating a whole range of issues from quitting
smoking to improving your self-confidence. If you are a smoker,
you know you need to stop – and you can use exactly the same
techniques for quitting smoking as those you use for weight loss.
A fit and healthy person is first, and foremost, someone with a fit
and healthy mind. Absolutely everything you do is controlled by
your thinking – both your conscious thought and your
subconscious, automatic, habitual behaviour. Hypnosis seeks to
change the inner-person first. Once that change has taken place, the
outer-person – the person with whom the world interacts – will be

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