Even with those “miracle” diet pills, you still cannot lose
weight without increasing your physical activity. Exercising
in some form will help to burn calories that can be converted
into fat and extra weight. This is why you need to devise an
effective workout plan that will fit into your abilities and
Most people don’t really like to exercise. For them, it seems
too much like work. And it is work, but it doesn’t have to be
tedious work. There are ways to exercise doing things that
you love to do.
First, you need to choose an activity that you enjoy. Do you
like riding your bike as the sun sets in the sky? Maybe
swimming is more your idea of fun. Even a good round of
golf can be a great form of exercise – but only if you leave
the cart in the cart barn!
Once you find that activity, you need to pursue it at a
minimum of three times a week for at least 30 minutes at a

time. The more you exercise, the more calories you will
burn, but you don’t have to be fanatical about it!
Start slowly then increase your level when you feel stronger
until you are at a point where you think you are at a high
level of intensity. It’s OK to rest at intervals to recharge
your batteries, but get back up to that level again until your
workout is complete.
The ideal exercise plan is going to involve some form of
aerobic exercise sustained for 30 minutes at a time. This
could be in the form of an aerobic class or something as
simple as taking a walk. This will get your heart pumping
effectively so that your body can burn the calories that you
have consumed!
When should you do this type of workout? Believe it or not,
there is a best time to perform your cardio workout for best
We want to tell you that the important part about exercise is
that you get out and do it! No matter when you exercise,
you will burn fat and calories as long as it’s a good workout.
But to get the maximum benefit, try exercising in the
morning before you eat your first meal.
Early morning aerobic exercising on an empty stomach has
three benefits over working out later in the day.
First, your levels of stored carbohydrates and muscle are at
a low when you first get up in the morning. This is because
during the night, your body is burning any calories that were
consumed at dinner the previous evening by performing
bodily functions that occur even while we sleep.
As a result, you’ll wake up with lower carb levels and lower
blood sugar levels which is the optimum environment for
burning fat instead of carbs.
How does this work? It’s actually quite simple.
Carbohydrates are your body’s primary and preferred energy

source. When this source is in short supply, your body must
tap into its secondary energy resource: body fat.
If you do your exercise workout after eating, the body will
burn off the carbohydrates you’ve consumed first. It’ll take
a little longer to get to that fat you need to burn.
A second benefit to doing exercise in the morning is called
the “afterburn” effect. You’ll not only be burning fat during
your workout, but that fat burn will continue on even after
your workout is finished. How?
An intense session of cardio can keep your metabolism
elevated for hours afterwards. Exercising at night won’t give
you that extra metabolic lift because once you go to sleep,
your metabolism drops dramatically once you become
sedentary. When you sleep, your metabolic rate is slower
than at any other time of the day.
The third reason for doing early morning exercise is more
emotional than anything else. Your body’s endorphins are
elevated when you exercise. It lifts your mood and gives
you a sense of accomplishment that will likely stay with you
all during the day.
That being said, exercise is something that many consider a
tedious chore. We tend to procrastinate and put off doing
something we consider to be less than enjoyable. If you
commit yourself to morning workouts, you’ll have “gotten it
out of the way” freeing your mind from having to do it later.
This can create guilt and stress and affect your whole day –
don’t let it! Plus, you are more likely to blow off exercising
later in the day because you are tired or just don’t feel like
You might find it difficult to get up and exercise first thing in
the morning. Not everyone is a “morning person”. So how
do you motivate yourself to get up and get moving?

First, remember that you are trying to lose weight. You
have a goal that you are trying to achieve. That should
remain in the forefront of your mind. If you stay focused on
your goal, the motivation should come.
Think back to a time when you tackled a difficult task and
finished it. Remember how great you felt afterwards.
Completing any challenge can give you a “buzz”. When that
task is physically demanding, that “buzz” is both
psychological and physiological. That’s because your body
releases endorphins into your system.
Endorphins are opiate-like hormones that are hundreds of
times more powerful than the strongest morphine. Except
for endorphins are made by YOU, not a laboratory.
Endorphins create a natural high that can make you
positively euphoric! Endorphins can reduce stress, improve
your mood, increase your circulation, and relieve pain.
This “high” you feel is partly psychological too. When you
get up early and get your workout done, you’ll feel a sense
of completion that will kick start your day and get it off on
the right foot! You will have a sense of completion and
accomplishment that will stay with you throughout your day.
You’ll feel happy and less stressed when you know that this
difficult task is already behind you and you can enjoy what
the day has to offer you!
So, you know that exercise is essential to any weight loss
program, but what kind of exercise should you do? What
kind of exercise is best? We’ve already said that you should
choose something you love to do so that exercising doesn’t
seem so tedious, but maybe you’re wondering whether or
not you should get into the gym and lift the big weights or
simply take a walk to get your aerobic exercise in.
There really is no cut and dried answer to this question.
Whether you want to bust out the old Tae-Bo tapes, plunk
down a bunch of money on a treadmill, or just put on some

music and do some leg lifts on your living room floor, the
important thing is that you do exercise.
Let’s look at the calorie burning that occurs in certain types
of exercises.
The numbers below reflect the number of calories you burn
for 20 minutes of participation in different exercises. We
should all aim to take 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5
days a week. This can be a mixture of all types of physical
activity, anything that makes you slightly out of breath and
raises your heart rate slightly.
This table doesn't only show values for organized exercises,
but also for more enjoyable pass times, like walking,
dancing and gardening - which many of us enjoy to do.
Leisurely walk 80
Dancing 120
Cycling 160
Running 325
Aerobics 140
Weights 140
Cleaning 125
Driving 35
Swimming 100
Tennis 120
Rowing 378
Golf 118
Circuit Training 260
Skipping 100
Gardening 160

Skiing 130
Mowing The Lawn 125
Fishing 114
Basketball 258
Bowling 108
Riding a Horse 255
Walking Downstairs 210
Walking Upstairs 300-500
Roller Skating 315
Having Sex 350
Almost any activity can be a fat burning activity – as you
can see from the above chart. Yes, even having sex can
burn calories! However, keep in mind that the number given
above is for 30 minutes of activity!
Generally, men tend to burn more calories during sex than
women do, but if you’re going to incorporate some love
making into your workout regimen (and we hope you do!),
be an active participant – don’t just lay there and think
you’re burning calories.
So here are a few suggestions for some exercises you can
do at home. The best part about exercising at home is that
you can do these exercises even while you watch television.
No need to give up your favorite programs to get active, just
get on the floor and try this workout:
• Jumping Jacks - 1 minute
• Squats – 15 to 20 times

• Push-Ups – As many as you can
• Jog in place making your foot hit your butt – 1 minute
• Superman – lay flat on the floor on stomach with hands
stretched out to the side. Lift legs and chest off the
floor and hold for 30 second – 15 to 20 times
• High Knees – jog in place lifting your knees as high as
you can – 1 minute
• Lunges – feet flat on the floor, step forward with
alternating feet – 15 to 20 times
• Torso Rotation/Twists – 20 times each direction
• Side Bends/Reaches – 20 times each direction
• Wall Sit – Squat against a wall with your back flat on
the wall – sit as long as you can hold it
And that’s it! Do this every day and feel the benefits.
Need some more exercises? No problem! Here are three
exercises that can be used to tighten thighs, buttocks, and
stomach areas.
• Outer Thigh Lift – Lying on your right side with your
hips and ankles in line with your shoulders, slowly lift
your leg as high as possible, hold, then return to
starting position. Do 10 repetitions and then switch
• Inner Thigh Lift – Lie on your left side with your hips
and ankles in line with your shoulders, and your right
knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Slowly lift your left leg
as high as possible, hold, then return to starting
position. Do 10 repetitions and then switch sides

• Abdominal Crunches – Lying on your back with your
knees bent and your hands behind your head, slowly
curl your shoulders up putting your chin to your chest.
Pause then slowly return to starting position. Do 10
repetitions of these.
Of course, these are toning exercises that will help target
problem areas. One problem area many women have is
cellulite in the thigh area and other places. Here are some
exercises to perform that will help those cellulite areas.
Lying on your side, do 10 repetitions of each of the following
• Bring both knees forward so your hips are at a 90
degree angle. Straighten your top leg out in front of
you while maintaining the 90 degree hip placement.
Lift the top leg slowly up about three feet off the
ground and then lower.
• Straighten both legs so your body is in a straight line.
Tilt your hips forward slightly. Lift your top leg about
three feet off the ground then lower.
• Put your top leg out in front of you on the ground.
Move your bottom leg forward slightly. Lift the bottom
leg 8-12 inches off the ground and down.
• Repeat all three exercises on the other side.
On your elbows and knees, do 10 repetitions of each of the
following exercises:
• Extend one leg straight back with your toe on the
ground. Lift that leg up to the ceiling and then back
down. Switch legs.

• Lift your knee off the floor. Extend that same heel back
and up so that your leg is pointing toward the ceiling
and then bring the knee back into you. Switch legs.
From a standing position, do 10 repetitions of the following
• Start with your feet together. Step out in front of you
in a lunge position. Touch the ground with the opposite
hand. Come back up and step to the starting position.
Switch legs.
• Put one foot on a step or prop that is 12-18 inches
high. Slowly step up and down with the other foot.
Switch legs.
You can increase the intensity of this workout by going
through it more than once or increasing the amount of
Exercises are good for your workout program because they
help tone flabby muscles while also burning calories. But
aerobic exercise is best to burn fat. A great way to get an
aerobic workout is to walk.
Walking is the easiest and most effective exercise we can
use in our workout routine. But you need to know more
than one foot in front of the other to get the most from
walking as aerobic exercise.
Because of how the body draws on fat stores versus other
stored energy sources, the first thing you need to do is
increase the time you spend walking. While we’ve said that
30 minutes of exercise is good for fat burning, when you
walk, you really need to bump this up to at least 45
minutes, but ideally an hour.

Obviously, it might not be possible for you to fit an hour of
walking into your busy schedule, but try walking every day
allowing a few days for an hour and a few days at 30
minutes. Alternate them, however. If you walk an hour on
Monday, walk half an hour on Tuesday, etc.
If you’re only going to be walking for 30 minutes, increase
your speed. A leisurely stroll isn’t going to give you that
aerobic workout that your body needs, so step it up a bit.
But don’t overdo it. If you can’t talk and walk, you’re overexerting
yourself and you should back off a bit.
You can also introduce some type of weight for you to carry
when you walk. This could be something simple like a small
weight, or you can go to the pantry and pull out a couple of
cans of corn! Keep them in your hands as you walk and
move your arms back and forth in your strides. Adding
weight will also help tone your arms – an added perk!
If you’re walking outdoors, perhaps in your neighborhood,
take along a walk-man and play some upbeat music to keep
you walking. Not only is it entertaining, it keeps you going
as well!
And remember, that all walking counts – even if it’s during a
shopping trip to the mall!
There are all kinds of ways you can work exercise into your
life. You can workout anywhere doing all sort of things.
Playing with children, for example is a great way to get
some exercise. When you get down on the floor and play
“horsey”, you are giving yourself a heck of a workout – and
it is fun for the kids!
Throw a ball around in the backyard and really get into it!
Jump on a trampoline, or just play tag! Exercise like this

not only give you the physical benefits, it can remind you of
the joy of youth and put a real smile on your face!
At work, take the stairs instead of the elevator. When you
park in a parking lot, park as far away from the door as
possible so you have to walk further.
Use your imagination and you will find ways to exercise
almost anywhere!
Many people love the idea of being in a gym surrounded by
sweaty people who are lifting weights and using the stairstepping
machine. If this is what you like, by all means, get
into the gym.
Weight training gives you the opportunity to sculpt your
body by pushing your muscles toward working harder than
they normally would.
We suggest that you get the advice of someone in the gym
like the trainer or owner to give you some exercises to start
out with. They will be the experts in the field for you and
will know what works when you’re just beginning a weight
training program. They can also help guide you when it’s
time for you to “step up” your regimen.
Aerobics classes are another great way to get a terrific
workout. You can find classes like these in many, many
places, but mostly in gyms and workout studios. Keep in
mind that there will be a fee to take these classes, but it
might very well be worth it to have the camaraderie that
comes with other people sweating along with you!
We highly recommend looking into taking water aerobics.
Exercising in the water has so many benefits. You have less
stress and strain on your joints, plus the natural resistance
of the water will work your muscles more than if you were
taking a class “on land”.
Water aerobics can be done by just about anyone – young
and old alike. It’s a great alternative to strength training

and you won’t have the problem of excessive sweating that
many of us just hate! You’ll get an amazing workout and it’ll
be fun too!
Many people – the Hollywood elite included – are beginning
to advocate Pilates as a very effective weight loss method.
This exercise regimen was developed in the early 20th
century, but has just now come to global popularity.
Pilates is more than exercise program, it is based on the
principles of many different types of movements. It takes
some of its movements from yoga, acrobats, stretching, and
more. Plus, Pilates concentrates a lot on the mind as an
exercise tool.
We can’t tell you how to do Pilates because it’s so involved.
That would be a whole other book to write! But there are
many helpful tools out there that can help you with a Pilates
program if you think that the route you want to go. Look for
online web sites, videos, and classes in your area. Once you
learn the basic movements, you can then practice them on
your own!
So now we know about exercising in order to lose weight,
but let’s get back to the most important hurdle in trying to
lose weight – the food!

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Regular exercise is important but it has not been clear how much is needed to maintain a weight loss
    . Researchers have now studied the impact of varying levels of exercise upon a group in a weight loss program
    . They learned that doing an hour a day for five days is needed to stop piling the pounds back on.
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